OpenChaos am 21. Oktober: Hacking Digital Watermarks

The previously announced OpenChaos - Hacking Digital Watermarks - will take place this Friday, the 21st of October instead of on Thursday.

Because of a slight scheduling mix-up our previously announced OpenChaos, Hacking Digital Watermarks, will not take place on Thursday, the 20th of October, but on Friday, the 21st of October instead. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

More information about this talk can be found here.

by mangala 2005-10-17T12:15:00+01:00
Der Clubstatus wird geladen...
Der Club ist offen:
It's a secret to everybody.
Der Club ist geschlossen:
[...] even the word "hopeless" has "hope" in it. Plus, if you rearrange the letters it spells "peeslosh".
Der Clubstatus konnte nicht geladen werden.
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irc: #cccc auf hackint (web)
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