OpenChaos am Donnerstag, 29. Oktober: Makerbot

Diesen Monat dreht sich das OpenChaos um Making, und zwar um den 3D-Drucker Typ Makerbot. Da das OpenChaos von einem amerikanischen Gast gehalten wird, wird es natürlich auf Englisch gehalten.

Live demo of a Makerbot Cupcake CNC, an open source 3D printer developed by hackers from New York's hackerspace NYC Resistor.

In this presentation Fabienne "fbz" Serriere will do a live demo of a recently built Cupcake CNC, serial number 000197 codenamed 'Lectric. The Cupcake CNC is a plastic extrusion 3D printer forked from the RepRap project and is available as a kit.

More info about the Cupcake CNC can be found at the MakerBot homepage and the MakerBot Wiki. This particular Cupcake CNC was sponsored by Wim Vandeputte. The Cupcake CNC is open source hardware, with all the parts free and documented including 2D plans for building the housing, the hardware circuits, the firmware and the software.

Come to learn about the 3D printing revolution and to see a hand built (and hacker designed!) rapid prototyping machine in action. The presentation will be in English and very hands-on and open for explanation, in depth of the build process as well as usage tips and tricks.

Das OpenChaos findet am Donnerstag, den 29. Oktober 2009 in den Räumlichkeiten des Chaos Computer Club Cologne statt. Beginn ist, wie gewohnt, 20:00 Uhr.

by towo 2009-10-25T22:30:00+01:00
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It's a secret to everybody.
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[...] even the word "hopeless" has "hope" in it. Plus, if you rearrange the letters it spells "peeslosh".
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