Open Chaos am Donnerstag, 25. April: The 35C3 CTF Nokia phone challenge

Andy wird, als Teil des CTF Teams Eat Sleep Pwn Repeat, etwas über die Challenge die er für das jährliche 35C3 CTF gebaut hat erzählen. Dadurch, dass die CTF-Community sehr international ist, wird der Vortrag in Englischer Sprache gehalten.

Every year, the German CTF Team "Eat Sleep Pwn Repeat" sets out to organize the C3 CTF. We always try to come up with new and novel challenges which are related to real life things you may encounter as a hacker: Browsers, Hypervisors, Operating Systems, Mobile phones etc. Andy always wanted to build a proper GSM based mobile phone as part of such a challenge. Thanks to the osmocom project which provided all the necessary protocol stack implementations, this was finally possible. This talk will guide you through how GSM works, how he built the phone and what the bugs were he planted in the challenge for the teams to find and exploit.

The Open Chaos will take place on Thursday, April 25th 2019, at the Chaos Computer Club Cologne. The talk will start at 20:00, as usual. We look forward to meeting you! There will be a live stream of the talk.

by Andy 2019-04-23T22:33:44+01:00
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[...] even the word "hopeless" has "hope" in it. Plus, if you rearrange the letters it spells "peeslosh".
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